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Becoming a Retailer

Licensed electricity retailers are companies authorised by the Energy Market Authority (EMA) to sell electricity to contestable business consumers (with average monthly consumption exceeding 2,000 kWh).

To participate in the Open Electricity Market, licensed retailers must satisfy additional requirements by EMA in order to sell electricity to households and small businesses.

There are two types of electricity retailers: Market Participant Retailers (MPRs) and Non-Market Participant Retailers (NMPRs).

MPRs have to be registered with the Energy Market Company (EMC) to purchase electricity from the National Electricity Market of Singapore (NEMS) to sell to contestable consumers.

NMPRs need not register with EMC to participate in the NEMS, since they will purchase electricity indirectly from the NEMS through the Market Support Services Licensee (MSSL).

For more information on becoming a retailer, please refer to EMA's Guide to Becoming a Licensed Electricity Retailer.